Thursday, February 21, 2013

Tasty Treats

Tasty Treats

Do you really think your hamster is having fun eating all that dry, bland, boring food all day? Why don't you spark up their lives with a little flavor. Here are a few hamster-safe foods that you could find in your kitchen or in your local grocery store:

1. Apples
2. Cucumbers
3. Lettuce
4. Carrots
5. Bananas (in very small amounts)
6. Unsalted Sunflower Seeds
7. Pistachios (in very small amounts)
8. Chicken (in very small amounts)
9. Strawberries (in small amounts)

Those are just a few of the many possibilities! Though there are some food that you definitely want to avoid:

1. Almonds
2. Candy
3. Pork

Beware, there are plenty more that you need to watch out for!
Have fun sharing your meals and creating enticing dishes for your little ones

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